报告人:英郑欣 教授 吕 聪 副教授 主持人:方冰 活动时间:2021/05/06 早上9点 活动地点:建设大学一号楼第一会议室 活动内容简介: 1.英郑欣教授 题目:Brain aging: from molecules to diseases 2.吕聪副教授 题目:肠道干细胞微环境 报告人简介: 1.英郑欣 中国农业大学 生物学院,教授 主要研究方向:神经损伤与修复机制 代表性文章: 1. Rip1 Kinase Inhibitor Halts the Progression of an Immune-Induced Demyelination Disease at the Stage of Monocyte Elevation." Proc Natl Acad Sci USA 2019, 116 (12): 5675-80. 2. Mixed Lineage Kinase Domain-Like Protein Mlkl Breaks Down Myelin Following Nerve Injury." Mol Cell 2018, 72 (3): 457-68. 3. A Small Molecule That Protects the Integrity of the Electron Transfer Chain Blocks the Mitochondrial Apoptotic Pathway." Mol Cell 2016, 63 (2): 229-39. 2.吕 聪 中国农业大学 营养与健康系,副教授 主要研究方向:1. 肠道干细胞的功能与调控机制研究 2. 肠道微环境与肠道健康 代表性文章: 1. Cycling Stem Cells Are Radioresistant and Regenerate the Intestine, Cell Reports, 2020, 32(4):107952. 2. MiR-31 promotes mammary stem cell expansion and breast tumorigenesis by suppressing Wnt signaling antagonists, Nature Communications, 2017, 8(1). 3. Stress responsive miR-31 is a major modulator of mouse intestinal stem cells during regeneration and tumorigenesis, eLife, 2017.