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【活动预告】营养与健康系学术报告:Coacervate complex colloids for health

报 告 人: Martien A. Cohen Stuart荷兰皇家艺术和科学院院士

题    目: Coacervate complex colloids for health

活动时间:2023年11月15日 15:00-17:00

联 系 人:刘斌



Modern approaches in health care often rely on targeted delivery of therapeutics towards specific body parts or tissues. These approaches require the use of delivery vehicles that can take up and carry delicate molecules and help them enter the target cells. Not surprisingly, the size of such carriers has to be in the colloidal range, but it is a challenge to meet other demands, like the somewhat conflicting abilities to take up cargo during preparation and protect it during transport, but release it after arrival.

Colloids based on the tendency of polyelectrolyte complexes to phase separate (complex coacervate colloids) are promising candidates for delivery vehicles, as they are prepared from aqueous solutions, therefore naturally water-rich, and provide variable amounts and types of charges with which one can manipulate the interactions with cargo. We shall discuss three relevant cases for different therapeutics (micelles containing therapeutic proteins, complex coacervate vesicles loaded with a photothermal dye, and nanogels carrying siRNA). In each case, we discuss the preparation, in vitro cellular uptake, and in vivo therapeutic results for an animal model. It appears that complex coacervate colloids have a lot of flexibility and adaptability, which allows to design them to meet the various criteria associated with successful delivery. They could well play an important role in medical practice of the future.


Martien A. Cohen Stuart  荷兰皇家艺术和科学院院士

    Cohen Stuart 教授博士毕业于荷兰瓦赫宁根大学,之后到法国巴黎大学做博士后,合作导师为诺贝尔奖获得者Pierre Gilles de Gennes 教授。1986年入职荷兰瓦赫宁根大学,2008年当选为荷兰皇家艺术和科学院院士。2016年入职华东理工大学,2017年获批国家外国专家(中国绿卡)。Cohen Stuart 教授为国际胶体与界面协会会员,欧洲胶体与界面协会主席,荷兰国家基金委化学部会员,以及荷兰高分子部学术主任。先后获得 NWO-TOP award、Wolfgang Ostwald Medal 等多个学术奖项。

    Cohen Stuart 教授主要从事胶体与界面、软物质材料的基础和应用研究。开发了一系列功能性聚电解质纳米载体和复合材料,在核酸药物和蛋白质递送、疫苗和基因药物开发等领域实现了突破性进展。迄今发表SCI 论文 450 余篇,其中包括 Nature Materials, Nature Nanotechnology,PNAS, JACS, Angew. Chem. 等化学领域顶级主流杂志,SCI 引用达 14000 余次, H-index 74, 完成著作及章节十余部。申请授权多向发明专利,与联合利华、帝斯曼、芬美意、索尔维、霍尼韦尔等多家公司保持着良好的合作关系。

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